2024. szeptember 10., kedd


Liebherr's total turnover in 2015 was 9,237 million €, the highest figure in the Group's history and an increase of 414 million € or 4.7 % compared with the previous year.

Developments in turnover according to region

Business developed quite differently in the various sales regions: in Western Europe, the most important of these for Liebherr, an increase in turnover was recorded. Among the liebherr-turnover-regions-2015-encontributing factors were positive developments in Germany, Great Britain and the Netherlands. Sales revenue dropped, however, in France, the Group's third-largest market.
Turnover increased in volume in America and in the Far East / Australia region, and Liebherr also enjoyed a satisfactory year in the Near and Middle East. A downturn was recorded in Eastern Europe and on certain African markets.


Lots of sunshine, strong winds: The conditions in spring are ideal for renewable energies. Almost too ideal, as the Pentecost weekend 2016 demonstrated. An oversupply in the grid feed-in from solar and wind energy led at times to negative energy prices. Situations such as this make it clear that setting up an intelligent energy system, which optimally connects and controls energy producers, storage systems, consumers and grids, is essential for the energy supply of the future.

The Smart Renewable Energy Forum at Intersolar Europe, the world's leading exhibition for the solar industry and its partners, demonstrates how this can be achieved. Experts are set to present and discuss technologies and solutions from June 22-24, 2016 in hall B2, booth B2.131.


PaintExpo logoMore than 470 exhibitors will be represented at the 6th PaintExpo at the Karlsruhe Exhibition Centre from the 19th through the 22nd of April, 2016.

Companies from 26 countries will present the world's most comprehensive offerings for the optimisation of liquid painting, powder coating and coil coating processes on more than 13,200 square metre (142,000 square feet) of net exhibition floor space. Innovations and further developments ranging from pre-treatment to quality control for practically all materials and material combinations will be unveiled.


  • Teljesítmény- és vonóerő növekedés a proaktív alkalmazkodóképességnek köszönhetően
  • Gazdaságos és hatékony hidrosztatikus hajtás és választható ECO-funkció, amely a kezelő számára lehetővé tesz a magas teljesítmény és a maximális gazdaságosság közötti választást
  • Modern, kényelmes vezetőfülke
  • Vezető gyártók 2D és 3D meghajtásaira tervezve


A teljes cikk német nyelven olvasható:


Christian Pontiggia Tief-und Straßenbau GmbH & Co. KG recently opted to buy a Liebherr R 926 Compact crawler excavator as one of the first customers in Germany.

Together with the customer, Liebherr analysed the potential applications and configured the work equipment accordingly. The company from the south of the Black Forest employs the new machine chiefly for building sewage ducts, whilst its flexibility means that other earth moving tasks can also be carried out efficiently.



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