2024. október 3., csütörtök


A szerkezeti csaphornyos fa DIN EN 15497:2014-07 harmonizált európai termékszabványnak a német változatát idén júliusban tették közzé. Az angol verzió már június óta elérhető.

A DIN EN 15497:2014-07 szabványt egész Európában közzé kell tenni az EU Hivatalos lapjában. Ezen felül, a szabványnak szerepelnie kell a német Építési Szabályok Listájában is.

Dr. Tobias Wiegand, a KVH ügyvezető igazgatója szerint a DIN En 15497:2014-07 szabványt Európában várhatóan az év végétől fogják alkalmazni, Németországban pedig 2015 őszétől.

A további részletek angol nyelven olvashatók:

Structural finger jointed timber KVH® and glued solid timber (Duobalken® and Trio-balken®) in accordance with European standards

The harmonized European product standard for structural finger-jointed timber will be pub-lished in its German version DIN EN 15497:2014-07 in July of this year; the English version has already been available since June 2014.

The application of DIN EN 15497:2014-07 all over Europe requires its publication in the EU's Official Journal. In addition to that, the standard will also have to be included in the national lists of technical building regulations in Germany, i.e. the Building Rules List and an applica-tion standard of the standard series DIN 20000 – x, which must still be drawn up.

From Dr. Tobias Wiegand's point of view, managing director of the Überwachungsgemein-schaft KVH e.V., the applicability of DIN EN 15497:2014-07 in Europe can be expected at the end of the year, in Germany in fall 2015.

DIN EN 15497 specifies the performance and production requirements concerning structural finger jointed timber with a rectangular cross-section made of certain types of conifers. Structural finger jointed timber KVH® is finger-jointed solid timber that must satisfy additional requirements concerning the dimensional accuracy and surface quality. This kind of timber is currently produced in 34 member companies of the Überwachungsgemeinschaft KVH e.V. from spruce, fir, pine, larch and Douglas fir. Quality requirements stricter than DIN EN 15497 are monitored in half-yearly intervals by independent material testing agencies.

Glued solid timber, better known in Germany under the brand names of Duobalken® and Triobalken®, will also come under European law in the future. The European product stan-dard DIN EN 14080:2013-08, which was already published in August last year, contains regulations concerning both glued laminated timber and glued solid timber.

The inclusion of DIN EN 14080:2013-08 in the Official Journal of the EU and thus its applica-bility in Europe has been announced for summer 2014. Since this standard will have to be added first to the Building Rules List and to the associated application standard DIN 20000 – 3 in the national lists of technical building regulations, glued laminated solid timber is not ex-pected to be applicable in Germany pursuant to DIN EN 14080:2013-08 before spring 2015.

Due to their high quality standards, KVH®, Duobalken® and Triobalken® have enjoyed a high level of international demand for years now, which is expected to increase even further once the new European standards are applied.

For more information on DIN EN 15497, KVH®, Duobalken® and Triobalken® (glued solid timber) please refer to www.kvh.eu or get in touch with Überwachungsgemeinschaft KVH e.V., Heinz-Fangman-Str. 2, D-42287 Wuppertal, under Ez az e-mail cím a spamrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát.



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